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Tips For Getting The Best Price On Jewelry

Tips For Getting The Best Price On Jewelry

No matter what the occasion is, even for the fanciest of occasions, no one likes to spend their life savings on jewelry. It is always good to invest in a high-quality piece, but it is never ever good to overpay for that high-quality. So where is the balance then? Here are some tips to make sure that you never spend too much to look your absolute best.

Know What You Want and Never Lose Sight of It

In the flurry of excitement that is jewelry shopping, it is easy to get sidetracked and carried away by all of the shiny, beautiful pieces of jewelry around you. But if you shopping for jewelry, even just to browse, be sure to have something in mind or else you might end up with your twenty-third pair of diamond earrings. There is nothing wrong with having that many diamond earrings, but this can be especially frustrating for the person who needed a diamond bracelet and persuaded themselves to buy the earrings.

What this also means is that if you know that you will probably be persuaded into buying something else, then reconsider your budget in the first place. Maybe find a way to spend less on the diamond bracelet so you can afford the tempting earrings, too!

Shop Old Styles

This sounds strange, but shop for the trends that went out of style. Unless it was absolutely bizarre, there is a good chance that it will come back into fashion in ten or twenty years, and when that happens, you will be ahead of the curve! This does not have to apply to just short-term trends, either, though those pieces of jewelry will be the cheapest of all. This means looking at the classic and vintage timeless pieces before the trendy new pieces. Diamond tennis bracelets never go out of style, neither does a nice set of pearls.

It may not be the exact thing that you are looking for, but this is a good way to build up a jewelry box or to try new pieces of jewelry for cheap! If you realize that you do not like the jewelry pieces that you bought this way, that is totally okay. You can always repurpose them in new jewelry or sell them to someone with a different taste than you.

Never Settle for Less, but Never Be Afraid to Look at Options

This is a matter of balance. Instead of looking for a solid gold engagement ring, a cheaper option might be to have a gold-plated ring. That way, it is still real gold, but because it is less actual gold within the piece, this means that the piece will be cheaper. This is especially a useful option for larger, heavier pieces like pocket watches or necklace pendants. This is also a way to save on a ring or pendant with multiple stones, because one stone can be a true gemstone such as a diamond or a sapphire, but instead of having diamondettes surrounding it, invest in crystals or small bits of cubic zirconia for the same idea.

This is also a good piece of advice if indeed you do have a specific piece of jewelry in mind that you are shopping for. If you are dead-set on getting a ruby ring for an anniversary present, that is just fine. However, looking at the garnet and even some small red diamond rings might not be a bad idea as they will carry a similar color and idea that a ruby would, but for less money. As long as you find a piece that is similar to what you originally wanted without feeling like you are settling, you are going to enjoy your piece of jewelry then.

Ask Your Friends What They Paid

It is never a bad idea to ask what your friends may have paid for the same type of jewelry pieces. If you have to shop for jewelry pieces because you are a member of a wedding party, for example, then you know that everyone else in the party will be buying items similar to the ones that you are also looking to buy. This way, you know that you are in a good ballpark for the piece of jewelry that you want to buy and you know that the jeweler is not trying to swindle you out of anything. This is also a very sneaky way to find the best deals as if your friend paid less than you, you can end up wearing the same, or at least similar, things.

This is a good step to take before you embark on a journey for one or two specific pieces of jewelry because then you also have an idea of what you should, or will, spend on a piece of jewelry before you even step in the store. It is also fun to set a goal for yourself and try to spend a lesser amount than that goal.

Add to What You Have

Look in your jewelry box for pieces that you already have or have a lot of and, whatever you do end up buying, be sure not to buy any more of those particular pieces. If you have a lot of stacking ring sets, for example, those can be interchanged or worn without the other rings in the set to create a look that perhaps you had never even considered. Rings are also great because in order to get a new piece of jewelry, simply buy a chain and then attach the ring to the chain for a neat new jewelry piece that no one else will wear. Think of the other options that you have for things like that before you go shopping for jewelry pieces and be sure not to buy items that look too similar.

In doing this, you should also work towards adding pieces that complement and go with pieces that you already have in your jewelry box, that way you get the most out of your money. There is almost no amount that you can “overpay” as long as you wear your money’s worth out of it, too.

This piece of advice is particularly helpful when it comes to watches. You can add life to any old watch by simply adding a diamond bezel or by changing the strap. These are ways to revitalize any antique or keepsake watch without having to buy an entire new watch. These small accessories can also help you have a watch face that you can wear on many different occasions. Add the bezel when you want to look fancy or add a leather band for days that you don’t particularly feel like wearing a metallic or iced out band and you have a whole different persona just by changing a couple things about your watch.

Look for Quality, not Quantity

If you are going shopping and you want to buy a set of diamond jewelry, consider getting two pieces instead of three, yet pay the same amount. This is one way that you can be sure you invested in quality pieces rather than getting a greater quantity of pieces that may be lower quality. This is especially helpful for those of you who are shopping for sets of stacking rings as those can become expensive quickly, so just get two really cute ones rather than six cheap, thin rings.

This is especially helpful to remember when buying items with gemstones. For example, if you want a statement ring, then of course it is easy to buy the ring that features every type of diamond out there. But rather than go all out for that probably expensive ring, you can make the same statement with one brilliantly cut stone and the right accenting metal around it, lowering your cost dramatically while achieving the same effect.

Try Something New

Just like vintage jewelry, really new jewelry can be low-cost, but high-reward. Disco ball beaded bracelets are one example of jewelry pieces that are fairly new on the scene, but still provide a relatively cheap way to get a new look. Other innovative body jewelry pieces also exist that you can try on and add to your jewelry box while having the added bonus of accessorizing like a trendsetter!

Newer designers may also start off with lower rates so that they can sell more of their introductory lines. So the next time that you see a new twist on a pair of pearl studs, check the tag, because unless they are from a long-standing brand, that may be a new signature piece for a designer. That way, you can stay ahead of the curve, just like with jewelry from the days of old.

It is very easy to blow a budget while shopping for jewelry, but in following these helpful tips, you should never break the bank. Remember to always have a plan in mind when you go shopping and keep in mind the pieces that you have in mind, that way you can get the most bang for your buck.

ItsHot LogoDenis Stepansky
Founder of ItsHot.com

Denis Stepansky is a founder of ItsHot, a diamond jewelry and watches store based in NYC. He has been in the jewelry business for about 20 years and owns such high-end jewelry brands as Luccello and Luxurman. As a jewelry expert, he has citations on well-known magazines and newspapers like Insider and Daily Mail.

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